Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ethan Visits the Dentist

So this was way before Christmas, but Ethan visited the dentist for the 1st time in Dec. It was more of a get to know you visit. He was a little unsure of things, but as you can see he felt pretty good sitting in Eric's lap. The dentist started out by just talking to Ethan and asking him questions. The dentist started asking him about his birthday and when it was. Ethan said, "no it's not my birthday it's Jesus's birthday. We're going to eat pupcakes (cupcakes)." Look at my little boy witnessing to the dentist. I love it!

Dr. Eubanks: You see Ethan, there are cavity bugs that live in your mouth.
(in my head I'm thinking this dentist must be crazy. Are you trying to scare my child?)

Cavity bugs?

Checking out the light and gloves

Still unsure, sweet Eric modeled for Ethan what the dentist does. I love this picture.
Ethan still wouldn't open his mouth. As we were walking out and the dentist was saying goodbye to Ethan, guess who opened his mouth as wide as he could. What a nut! By the way this is the best dentist if anyone is looking. Oh and you may be wondering about the cavity bugs. I guess Dr. Eubanks knows what he's doing. Ethan loves to make up stories about the cavity bugs and what they are doing in his mouth, then we get them with the toothbrush.


Trista & Chris said...

Oh my goodness that picture of Eric and Ethan is adorable! What a great dad!

Steph said...

Oh my word, how cute! I love the pic of Ethan on Eric's tummy. Ha! I'm so glad you caught it all on camera. :)

eets said...

I love that the cavity bugs were playing basketball in my mouth yesterday (according to him). What a funny guy.

Brazenlilly said...

I keep forgetting to come back and comment that these are so adorable! It is kind of a big milestone to get to the dentist! I love that he opened his mouth really big on the way out! Ha! What a cutie.