Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ethan for Hire Part II

Ethan is a talented little guy. Not only can you hire him to decorate your Christmas tree he also is quite the handy man. Yesterday he asked if he could help me put an organizer we bought for Abby's closet. He was so excited.

What focus and concentration.

Steady Steady

The finished project. Well, almost.


butters said...

What a little goof ball you have. I love it and I love the overalls aswell. We are sure looking forward to seeing you guys soon...love ya!

Becky said...

Those are great...I especially love the GQ pose in the first shot. Tell him that Aunt Becky has some projects over here for him to work on when he's done there.

Unknown said...

1. Ethan is adorable!
2. I'm SUPER impressed that you did a project with your little man AND a power tool.
3. Speaking of closets...when is the next SALE?!?! Seriously, I am fully expecting a post about this to show up on Jen's blog!:)

JimJ said...

Really delightful pictures Really really really. Uncle Jim