Sunday, April 17, 2011

Messages from the Kids

I recorded the kids tonight for a few minutes. Let them each do what they wanted. Abby wanted to look her best. She put on her jewelry before singing a Cinderella song. Ethan decided to sing a song too.
Having fun at Nate's Party


Steph said...

Please tell Abby that is my most favorite song ever. I sing it to both my kids all the time. :)

Also, please tell her I love all her bling. She knows how to dress up a pair of pajamas!

You can tell Ethan that he sings real well (seriously! He sings in tune!) and that he is very, very silly. :P

Nina said...

LOVING these angel voices. I have to say that I played them a few times. Sweet messages to there awesome Dada. I agree with Steph that bling and beautiful singing is the best pj look and sound(:

Nina said...

Love the picture of ladybug and princess giving each other the cousin love sweet!!