Thursday, April 14, 2011

Best Buds

My favorite


Brazenlilly said...

Oh my goodness! What sweet pics of our sweet boys. And such a blessing their friendship is to each other and to this mama! Thanks for posting, Sarah! Can't believe how big they are.

Steph said...

Oh my word! What precious pictures to have to show them years down the road. They sure love each other! And I love their mamas. :)

Nina said...

Great joy to know they have each other ! Love this picture of the first born. Love them so much!!

butters said...

Ohh... I recognize those cuties... my how they've grown and changed. That time together was a milestone in the sense that they actually played somewhat quietly and took turns without being asked or coached. Are they really growing up! I'm so glad my boys have such great buddies and I have such blessed girlfriends!