Friday, October 15, 2010

My Girlie Girl

A few months ago we had just finished lunch and some sporting event was on. Eric and Ethan were entertained inside so I took the opportunity to have some girl time and snap a few shots too. These pictures are dedicated to her girlie side.

If she is not wearing her princess shoes, she will find mine and put them on.

Dancing Around

I had so much fun just watching her play with the grass

or her toes

Looking at the Tall Trees

Strikin' A Pose with some Pouty Lips =)


Steph said...

Um...ADORABLE! I love that sweet girl! Even if she doesn't let me play with her hair. ;) Great pics, Sarah!

Nina said...

She is an oh so beautiful girlie girl from head to toe!!!! Always has been just like her Mama. My very favorite picture is all of them. I love her so much xo Remember my red heels? They were on your feet every chance you could. I recall a picture of a pink lace nightgown,some of my necklaces,a crown and red heels. Thank you for this post my girle girl (:

Jo B. said...

So very sweet and feminine! WONDERFUL photos, Sarah! Abby looks like she is having the time of her little life!

butters said...

Oh... love the Abby pictures. She is such a doll but can keep up with the boys no problem! I love the kissy face picture. Thanks for sharing.