Friday, May 21, 2010


In less than 24 hours, we'll be back together again. We can't wait to see you sweetie!


eets said...
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eets said...

It's not possible for me to want to hug all 3 of you more.

Brazenlilly said...

Ah! I'm SO happy for all four of you that Eric will finally be home. Love you guys!

butters said...

Yay, this post brought tears to my eyes. A second sweet reunion is just around the corner! It was fun to have Ethan here today, we'll have to do it again! We love you guys!

Nina said...

The thought of the 4 of you being together blesses my socks off (; I love you all very much!!

Becky said...

I thought I left a comment earlier, but must not have published it. By now your sweet family is back together and we couldn't be happier for you. And I love those pictures...hope you got some more great ones today.