Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Snow Day with Oma

I just realized yesterday, it had been 3 weeks since I posted. I guess I've just been busy with family, Easter, cleaning, Cousins' Closet and my new love of coupons. Also, the flash on the camera completely stopped working. It is being fixed as we speak and we should be getting it back next week. We did borrow Mike and Becky's camera a few ago when we went to Mt. Hood with Oma. It was the most beautiful day. It had just snowed a ton over the last week so snow was still on all the trees driving up. We had a great time. Here are a few pictures.

The walk up was a little steep plus you'd sink with each step. Easiest way to carry Ethan is to grab his snowsuit and go =).

Since the snow was so soft, Eric would just throw Ethan in the air and let him land. Ethan thought this was the best game ever! This is what was left after Ethan got up. It was deeper than it looks.

snowball is in hand and ready to fire

Just for fun =)

Dad sure is making me do all the hard work. This thing is heavy!
Attempting a group shot

Out of order. Stink! oh well. here is the end of our run. As you can see, Ethan did a face plant (quick recovery too).

Right before the face plant
It was fun walking through the snow and being the first ones to make the footprints.
Here is some daddy daughter fun.
She was not a huge fan of touching the snow with her bare hands. I think there is a picture of Eric doing the same thing with Ethan when he was almost 1.

You've got to do the family sled run.

Our sweet little girl NEVER sleeps in the car. She missed her morning nap and on the way home, this is what happened. I'm so glad I snapped a picture. What a sweet baby girl!


Brazenlilly said...

Oh! So many favorites. Thank you for not switching them, even though they were out of order, because this way I was able to enlarge most of them and see up close! The one right before the face plant makes the snow look so deep! Love the comparison brother/sister pic! And I really like Abby's facial expression and clenched fist when Eric's trying to get her to touch the snow! Hee! TOO cute.

anamarie said...

I miss Ethan and Abbys' faces! And yours, my cousin. I decided that you and Beck and I need to attempt tortillas again because it's been awhile!! We are due! And it should be extra fun this time with three little ones involved! :) I miss you and love you, cousin.