Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Little Bear Cub

I know. You're probably shocked that I'm blogging two days in a row. I've been blessed to have "Oma" here to help out. I even had pancakes this morning =). Enjoy!


Brazenlilly said...

I'm sorry...she is just adorable! I love the prop-up pictures. :) And yeah for grandmas! I'm glad you are getting some help this week.

Peaby said...

oh man...she is cute!

Steph said...

Now that is just the sweetest little bear I've ever seen! In a couple pics, she totally looks like she's purposefully taking a picture. What a doll! I like being surprised by a Sarah post!

Danielle said...

She is just so precious. I love it!

Jim said...

The last picture is my favorite. It's like you walked into the family room and oh! there's Abby watching TV again.

Becky said...

I think I detect a smile in the first one. :)