Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Best Buds

It is so fun to watch these two.

This might be my new favorite

Showing off their goofy side. That is Abby winking. When we ask her to wink, she just covers one eye =).


Steph said...

I knew we just had to wait for Eric to go out of town again for you to post...

And goodness, they are so cute! Great pics, mama - you have gorgeous kiddos. Especially when they are bing silly! ;)

butters said...

Oh... I love them all! Can you please come take pics of my boys! I really love the one where Abby is just cuddled into her brother staring at him with such admiration. So darling. Sure love those beautiful kids.

Nina said...

These pictures make my heart gush with love,joy,laughter and just one big warm fuzzy feeling. I am so thankful for the best buddy friendship they have! I know it can be forever cause those two sisters S&B are still best friends(:I am one blessed Mama/Nina

eets said...

you sure know how to make me come home as quickly as I can!

Jo B. said...

Oh my goodness, Sarah. These pics are just too cute for words! They are so precious. Can't wait to wish Abby and Ethan happy birthday in person!

Roy B. said...

Why is "Oh.My.Goodness!" the only thing I can think to say about these pictures of your kiddos? How beautiful! And you know, Abby doesn't show that smile to everyone. She looks like she really loves her big bro. (They get along like this all the time, right?)